Category Archives: Blog

CCTV Basics – General Installation

security installer

General Camera System Installation Guide 1.) Mount cameras in location desired. (Mounting screws are included with most cameras, but make sure they are the correct type and length of screw required for the substrate you are mounting the camera to.) 2.) Run all of your video cabling back to the DVR, or in the case […]

2022 Burglary Stats You Should Know

2022 burglar stats

2022 Burglary Statistics You Should Know Thanks to Joel Lim for doing the hard work on this article.   7 most fascinating burglary statistics There are 1,230,149 burglaries, as the latest report in the US, out of the 128.58 million total households. 65% of burglaries happen during the day. Without a home security system, you […]

Secure Your Security

  There is an alarming amount of security camera systems set up with default settings leaving them vulnerable to attack and prying eyes. Its time for you to secure your security system? Do you still have default settings on your system? Why not changing your DVR’s default settings is a bad idea.   We live in […]

Cold Storage Security – Preventing Theft in Cold Storage Facilities

Cold Blooded Security Cams

Cold Storage Security Preventing Theft in Cold Storage Facilities Thefts are everywhere, and you have to keep an eye on everything…but have you thought about preventing theft in cold storage facilities, freezers or refrigerator? Your freezer or refrigerator could fall victim to thefts. Here at RuggedCams, we have put together several complete IP Freezer Camera […]