Security Systems and Live Streaming for Daycare Centers

How daycare owners are increasing enrollment with better security & monitoring


A day care owner trying to stand out and be unique in a sea of other day care providers in her area. Charging more for the same services left her in a precarious position between attracting new qualified child care providers and pricing herself out of the market with new parents. Finding a unique answer to this balance came in the form of a technology solution that could help on three widely differentiated fronts.

Business Case:

The day care business isn’t all that different now than what it was 20 years ago, other than two factors which are unfortunately making it harder and harder to be competitive in a highly oversaturated market. There are MANY more day care facilities available to choose from these days. Not just the corporate giants spread across the country, but also in-home day care providers and non-profit day care facilities as well. There are also MANY more children placed in day cares these days because a large percentage of both parents now work full time. For day care providers across the nation, they must find ways to market to and attract parents to their facility and then keep them there.

In 2017, the Small Business Development Center Network states, “The US child care services industry includes about 54,000 commercial facilities with combined annual revenue of $21 billion, plus about 21,000 facilities run by nonprofit organizations with combined annual revenue of about $12 billion.” But it is very much a competitive landscape.

Differentiating yourself with an edge you can market to your current clients and to attract new customers is the only way to survive in these areas.

Average hourly wage is increasing, cost of operation is increasing, competition is increasing so to be able to charge the highest rate and offer the best care to the children you care for, you must stand out with services others don’t offer.

With all of these costs rising yearly, and sometimes quarterly, owners and operators of day cares must find new and unique ways to help set your facility apart from the masses.

Operators can hire more qualified staff and child care providers but that directly equates to having to raise the fees and tuition for the parents and guardians of the children you teach. Hiring the best child care workers is highly competitive as well. Being able to charge more so you can pay your workers more, especially ones with formal education, can increase your ROI tenfold. In this highly competitive area the window of raising fees too much and eliminating your clientele completely is very narrow.

Owners can build new facilities, but most facilities are perfectly fine the way they are.

So what are business owners supposed to do to give yourselves the advantage you need in this ever changing landscape?

For one owner, Julie Marshall in Phoenix, who found herself in this exact predicament, she discovered an unlikely answer to several issues and set herself apart from ALL the other operators in a more than 25 mile radius.


Differentiating herself from the other day care providers in her area, Julie found a solution to not only how to be a cut above the other facilities and offer a service no one else was, but also how to provide security to herself, her staff, the children, along with the parents AND save her money each year on her commercial property insurance.

The Solution?

An IP camera system with remote access that ALL of the parents can use to watch and hear their children during the day.

Proposed Solution(s):

Contact Jennifer with RuggedCams so she can work up a proposal for you.

The systems are easy to wire with several options, audio is standard on some of the cameras, and the systems are so simple to operate with incredibly high resolution.

There are different packages to choose from and installation is so simple anyone can do it or Rugged Cams can help find an installer to help.

Future Direction:

There is nothing more important than everything that goes into building and maintaining the reputation of a day care. Word of mouth is a huge factor in gaining new clients.

Having VERY happy parents and guardians telling everyone they know how awesome the day care facility is they use and then SHOWING them the facility right on their phone or tablet?  Priceless.


Peace of mind is worth A LOT to parents when it comes to their children.

Capitalizing on this opportunity won’t break the bank but will gain you a huge leg up in reliability and reputation in an ever changing landscape of childcare.

How to do this? Have cameras installed around the facility to watch everything and then give specific access to the parents of each child for the areas their children reside. Classrooms, recess area, cafeteria, pick up / drop off areas.

At the push of a few buttons parents will be able to see and check on their children. Audio is even a possibility which can protect the facility and staff from unwarranted allegations that can be easily and summarily negated. Another added benefit to having cameras mounted around the facility!

You’ll also be giving your staff peace of mind with having a security presence on site at all times. Not to mention the property insurance premiums you could save. Most insurance companies give businesses a price break for security and/or camera systems.

For Julie, and hundreds of other owners/operators just like her, who called Jennifer at Rugged Cams, they’re already reaping the benefits of this kind of system.

Call today! An example of a site plan layout and package pricing are below.

The infrared triangles show the direction the cameras are facing, NOT the areas the cameras will cover, since the Occulus domes all have motorized  adjustable lenses.

And with the plug-n-play technology of Rugged Cams, Julie was able to install her system with no added labor charge.

If you don’t have enough time to install your own system that’s just fine, there are tons of installers all over the country that can install it for you.

Installation Charges could range anywhere from $95 to $250 per hour depending on the difficulty of the install.

Get A Custom Security Camera System For Your Daycare Facility

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Quote and statistics for this white paper were pulled from SBDC Network website. SBDCNet